CATALYST Issue 3 | Page 69

L Catalyst | Last Word “When women appear self-confident and authentic, they are successful but are not liked” When women appear self-confident and authentic, they are successful but are not liked. There is a backlash. The way to override this is to show that you are still a woman – nurturing and helping. This extra requirement is an unwritten rule. Another finding is that men can gain influence even when they have no personal warmth and don’t care about the social side of leadership. This can create an unhealthy culture. still expected to fulfil this unwritten requirement of having positive social qualities. This is a double- standard. If organisations want this emphasis on social qualities, then having a caring and inclusive culture is important. They have to measure the behaviour of their employees in this regard, and reward people accordingly: both men and women. Organisations should think carefully about the qualities needed for success and include a broad portfolio of skills beyond technical expertise and being effective, disseminating fact sheets to this effect among all their employees. If warmth and nurturing are desired, then HR should make this explicit for men and women, during the selection process and in evaluations. How did you measure confidence? Should organisations focus more on men’s social qualities? Is this true of all sectors? Might the younger generations challenge these stereotypes? We spoke to supervisors and others who had frequent interactions with our participants. For example, we asked them to what extent they thought the person they were evaluating was confident in their ability to succeed in their job. We’re talking here about STEM and male-dominated professions, but this is a very conservative test. In the organisation we studied, the proportion of women was 23-25%. In organisations with more women, I think this gender stereotyping would still be prevalent. But we need to do more research to understand it better. How is this bias affecting women’s chances of promotion? If someone performs well, they are more likely to be promoted. However, if both men and women are performing to the same standard, women are Absolutely. If we want an inclusive workplace, it has to be inclusive for all. There are not that many case studies, but among the technological companies, Pinterest is doing a lot to go in this direction. If you read some of the studies that were published in the 1970s, it seems that there has always been a clash between young people entering an organisation and the senior people within it. People’s values tend to change across their lifespan. I’m not convinced that the values of the millennials are that far off those of other generations in the past. Stereotypes have an evolutionary advantage. We need them to navigate our social interactions. Problems arise when these create unfair systematic biases within organisations. I’m not saying that the stereotypes are going to disappear, but that we need to understand and manage them better. What first steps can firms take to overcome this bias? They can increase transparency, committing to goals publicly, stating where they currently stand and where they would like to be. This is a starting point for triggering some action. “I’m not saying that the stereotypes are going to disappear, but that we need to understand and manage them better” Issue 3 - 2019 69