CATALYST Issue 3 | Page 68

L Last Word | Catalyst qualities and the ability to show that they are caring and nurturing. The research, conducted in collaboration with IE Business School and INSEAD, looked at high-performing workers in a male-dominated global tech company. We spoke to Guillén to discuss the findings. What inspired the research? The gender confidence gap is a myth Andrew Dickens explores how women face unwritten rules around their suitability for leadership. T he stereotypical image of the ‘successful executive’ is of a person dripping in self-confidence, even brashness. People are told that, to get ahead, they need to appear confident. One of the many reasons given for the discrepancy in men’s and women’s earnings is that men come across as more assured. However, research by Laura Guillén, professor of organisational behaviour at international business school ESMT Berlin, shows that women who are viewed as self-confident are not more likely to get ahead. They require extra ingredients: social 68 When I was doing my professorship, I had a mentor who said to me: “Laura, you have to project a self- confident appearance if you want to succeed.” He was really talking about himself, saying that the secret for success, not only in teaching, but also in organisations, is self-confidence. That’s when I started discussing self-confidence with colleagues. Of course, there’s a lot of “you have to believe in yourself. If you think that you can, you will make it happen”. But there were some critical views saying that it can also be problematic, because you stop listening to others; you can appear arrogant. That’s when I thought it might not be straightforward and there might be a general angle I’d like to study. How would you summarise key findings? The correlation between the confidence you project and your actual self-confidence is very, very small. I think that’s interesting. The other thing is that the relationship between a self-confident appearance and influence is different for men and women. With men, when they perform well, they appear to be confident and this allows them to gain influence in the organisation. Women not only have to perform well and appear confident, but must pay attention to their social qualities: whether they are perceived as warm, and the extent to which they are seen to nurture others, being helpful and creating harmony within their team. Without that, a self-confident appearance is not going to pay off. Why is this happening in practical terms? There’s a lot of literature around gender stereotyping. The main conclusion is that there are certain expectations for women; gender-traditional roles. Women are expected to have social qualities and men to be self-confident, to make decisions quickly and to be forceful. Research shows that these subconscious expectations are prevalent and can affect how we judge women in male-dominated professions.