Helping you to future-proof
your organisation and thrive
elcome to the third issue of Catalyst, written exclusively for
Alexander Mann Solutions’ global network of clients and partners.
Its aim, at a time of exponential change, is to keep you up to
speed on industry issues and thought leadership around talent acquisition
and management.
For example, a recurring question is how to put the latest technology, including
the promise of artificial intelligence (AI), to best use in the workplace. On page
34, we discuss how AI is being used to help streamline the recruitment process,
while highlighting ways in which it can go wrong, and even introduce bias, if not
implemented in a considered fashion.
We also explore how, in an age of automation, humans can be enabled to do what
they do best and put their emotional intelligence to work; on page 52, columnist
David Baker argues that motivation at work goes well beyond ‘purpose’ to include
giving employees true autonomy and the ability to master new skills.
When it comes to new skills, the rapid pace of change is impacting traditional
learning methods, with techniques such as reverse mentoring coming to the fore;
as columnist Nigel Spencer points out, employees can no longer rely on being highly
specialised, but will need to attain what he describes as a ‘polytechnic’ set of skills
(p20). The importance of upskilling and reskilling existing staff is emphasised in
our feature on workforce transformation (p30).
Running through this edition is the understanding that businesses will only
continue to thrive if they can successfully bring the inherent talents of everyone
in their workplace to bear. This involves a strong focus on inclusion for all – from
women and black and ethnic minority talent to those who are neurodiverse (p16).
Alexander Mann Solutions is proud to be a member of the sector-wide Valuable
500 initiative to drive inclusion for disabled people (p15). We are always looking
to support and enhance our workforce – and to help you do the same for yours.
We hope you enjoy the issue and would welcome your feedback on the
content and topics covered. If you would like to get in touch please email me at
[email protected]
Marisa Kacary
Global Director, Brand, Marketing & Communications,
Alexander Mann Solutions
Issue 3 - 2019