CATALYST Issue 3 | Página 2

What is our role in developing the future workforce? T he world of work is changing. From robots taking over repetitive tasks to people working remotely without ever meeting their managers, there is no doubt that work is going to look very different a decade from now. Having been active in talent acquisition and management for more than 20 years, I have never known the pace of change to be as fast as it is today. This challenge is something with which all CEOs and leadership teams are currently grappling. As HR and talent-acquisition practitioners, how are we preparing for these changes, and how can we continue to stay relevant to the future? My view is quite simple. We should never lose sight of the basics. No matter how many machines arrive in the marketplace, or how many tasks are automated, nothing can replace the creativity of a talented individual, capable of bringing new ideas into organisations, with the emotional intelligence to build and inspire high- performing teams. We know that work is an inclusive institution. A high employment rate not only builds a cohesive society, but contributes significantly to economic growth. Jobs that offer long-term career paths are the building blocks of an inclusive society that provides opportunities for all. Achieving this kind of social mobility is the aspiration of societies around the world. Those of us in talent acquisition and management are fortunate to have a chance to influence, and have a positive impact on, the current and future workforce, helping talented individuals to thrive and realise their fullest potential. We are also in a place where we can help organisations to think creatively about the kinds of job opportunities they create for the future. In our latest edition of Catalyst, we hope to provide you with a taste of the pace, scope and variety of change impacting the world of work. As you read these articles, I invite you to delve deeper and ask yourself the following question: ‘What role can I play in order to make a difference?’ Together, we are in a privileged position, holding the reins of change and able to create a world full of new possibilities. Enjoy this edition. Rosaleen Blair, CBE Founder and CEO, Alexander Mann Solutions 2