Catalyst | Soundbites
more technical skills than ever before.
And the division between general
industry, general employment
and technology has completely
disappeared. What isn’t technology
anymore? So the pressure on
organisations to hire, build and
create their own technical capability,
— to support their own digital
transformation — is huge.
Second, it’s not enough to be great at
technology and technology alone. The
tech team no longer sits in a room on
their own speaking to machines or to
each other. What we need are brilliant
technical people who also have the
ability to interact with others.
What skills does Fujitsu look for in
its younger candidates?
Empathy, the ability to collaborate,
people who can think and work within
teams to understand what a piece of
technology could achieve. How could
it be applied to deliver commercial or
societal benefit? We have some great success stories
for our industry, not least for our
cybersecurity business, which is a key
area for most organisations nowadays.
How is Fujitsu engaging with
young people?
We try to bring in young talent because
it’s a great way of building for now and
for the future and creating a talent
pipeline that feels a much greater
affinity with the organisation. We feel
that we’re invested in them and they’re
invested in us.
We have an apprentice scheme
and a degree apprentice scheme,
as well as a graduate programme
and have combined the reskilling of
existing employees and recruitment
o f e x p e r i e n c e d c a n d i d a t e s,
with a significant investment in
degree apprentices. What skills will you need from
young people going forward?
We talk a lot about automation; the
thing that’s premium today, technology
may automate tomorrow. So we need
people who can push through that
with an enquiring mind and, most
importantly, ask “what does it mean?”.
Technology is great only if there is
a purpose behind it. The people who
can make those connections are the
ones who are going to find their careers
interesting and will also be immensely
valuable to their organisations.
new technology to automate simple tasks, artificial intelligence is a literal no-brainer. But where is it being used in HR?
Analysing compan
policies and practi
rce au
compliance and
Analysing success of
diversity and inclusion
Litigation strategy
Issue 3 - 2019