Catalyst | Soundbites
Job trends in APAC – let’s get Pacific
biased and unbiased matching. We’re
approaching it from a skills perspective.
You could have someone who is semi-
retired, or needs to work from home
and come into the office part-time.
Flexibility can drive diversity.
How do you work with Alexander
Mann Solutions?
We’re implementing Adepto into
Alexander Mann Solutions’ existing
customers through The Hive, and
helping their clients go on a journey
through total talent. Even with the
clients that aren’t using them for
recruitment process outsourcing,
they help them look at the technology
landscape, to consider the issues
around large-scale implementation,
and provide support.
job board where contract
workers can register, create
a profile, upload their CV and
work preferences and search
for government jobs.
This is revolutionary in
the market today, a place
where contract workers can
connect directly to exciting
jobs across government.
What did you hope
to achieve with the
PSR programme?
When we looked at the
revision of our contingent
labour programmes, we were
looking for something that
was going to be easy to find
and use, digitally enabled
and something that all the
public-sector organisations
could work with. We wanted
to bring transparency to
the process. We have
obligations around visibility
and transparency around
76 % $1.73 TN 25 50 %
Around 76%
of Hong Kong
employers reported
difficulty in filling
their talent
requirements. Hong Kong faces
a potential revenue
loss of US$1.73tn
by 2030 if the
talent shortage
is left unsolved. In Singapore,
millennials now entering
the workforce are
expected to have as
many as 25 jobs over a
40-year career. Half of Singapore’s
population is expected
to live to 100 years old;
many may remain
economically active for
up to 70 years.
Around a third of
Australian employers
reported difficulty in
recruiting skilled talent.
spend. We’re clearly looking
for value for money.
We also have targets in
relation to how we work with
small- and medium-sized
enterprises. So, it’s essential
that we have the opportunity
to distribute wealth up and
down the country.
What challenges
have you faced?
I have never done anything
quite so complex or vast.
This was our first project with
Alexander Mann Solutions.
We have such a broad base of
customers and stakeholders
across government that
change management and
communications becomes
essential. Sometimes we
get that absolutely right. At
others, you just need to feed
the machine consistently
and constantly to make sure
Up to 46% of
roles in Australia
could be automated
by 2030.
Almost two-thirds of
Australia’s job market
will be soft-skill intensive
professions by 2030.
that everybody is getting
everything they need.
It was important for us to
upscale and share insight and
know-how with colleagues in
different departments. We
needed to be consistent and
on-message through that
time, which is sometimes
difficult. We’re excited to see
it come to life.
What are PSR's
expansion plans?
We’ll look at process
efficiencies in all the
departments, working
jointly to understand what
improvements we can make
over the longer term. I think
there are even more aspects
of governance that we can
add in. When we’re moving
into ‘business as usual’ we’ll
be refining and reviewing
that, so it never stops. We’re
working with HR leaders and
Source: Acquiring the
Workforce of the Future:
Embracing a Talent
Ecosystem, Catalyst Series
2019, Hong Kong,
Alexander Mann Solutions
commercial directors to look
at their overall spend under
management for contingent
labour by department. In the
long term, we’ll be looking
to work with them to figure
out that the output on the
analytics and the compliance
checks they get through this
programme is better than
anything else available.
That will help them in
turn in terms of control and
transparency, visibility and
also getting the right talent.
It’s exciting work in the
public sector. Of course, we
are actively looking to extend
the reach of the programme
to even more central
government departments,
agencies, local authorities,
arm’s-length bodies, the
health sector, the education
sector – and the list goes on.
Find out more at:
Issue 3 - 2019