CATALYST Issue 2 | Page 14

5 Future Proof PHILIPS: steps towards developing an integrated workforce Martin Thomas, Head of Total Workforce Management at healthcare technology giant Philips, outlines some practical steps the company has taken to embrace the concept of total workforce and view the workforce holistically. T o prepare for the future of work and ensure Philips is able to gain access to the right skills in the right place at the right time – within a global labour market – we are developing a total workforce strategy. It is designed to empower the business to become more agile and responsive to rapidly changing market conditions and customer expectations. Since June, we’ve been making some practical moves towards this. 14 1 We’ve moved ownership of our contingent worker programme from procurement into talent acquisition. The strategy for both permanent and contingent workers is now owned by talent acquisition, so it is aligned and takes into consideration both groups or skill capabilities. However, we keep the operational acquisition of that strategy separate. We’ve forged a very close partnership between talent acquisition, procurement, finance and HR; only if you look across all of these are you able to adapt and change the way you are sourcing, attracting and engaging with talent. 2 We’ve taken away a focus on head count. We now ask managers to focus on total workforce cost. This might comprise permanent employees, contingent workers, outsourced services and task-based work packages, but they look at the workforce holistically. For example, a contingent worker might be more expensive than a permanent employee in the short term. If we were to put a head count control on permanent staff, managers might augment their team with contingent workers, when ultimately it might be better to recruit permanently. Recruiting is becoming the wrong word: it’s gaining access to the right skills for the task required. 3 We’re launching our zero-based costing approach. With this, budgets start from a zero base and are built around what is needed for the upcoming period. Managers can factor in both permanent and contingent labour. We’re getting ready to kick off the new budget in the new year, so there’s a lot of communication, training and advice needed around this.