CATALYST Issue 2 | Page 65

Digital Innovation Five ways to inspire innovation Innovation doesn’t mean you have to come up with a breakthrough every week, but it certainly requires you to push yourself constantly towards finding new ways of getting old things done. yourself with 1 Surround the right talent An innovative leader is one who is able to surround themselves with the “right” set of people, to listen to them, and reconcile the different perspectives they provide into something novel. By “right set of people”, I mean individuals who are able to bring to the table a wealth of diverse and non-overlapping perspectives. Effective leaders should leverage the richness of these views and integrate knowledge. 2 Be open to diversity To cultivate a workplace environment of continuous improvement, innovation and initiative, you have to have an openness to diversity. This is the most important feature of any innovative environment. That means looking for challenges instead of corroboration, tolerance of diverging views, fierce ex ante debate, but strong unified action once agreement has been reached. 3 Embrace change Marco Tortoriello Professor, IESE Business School Fostering a culture of innovation is a challenge against a backdrop of economic uncertainty. The most common reaction of organisations in the face of uncertainty is to freeze and keep doing what they are doing. It is understandable, but is it a viable solution? To keep doing things the old way might lock you up, impeding your ability to get ready to change. Innovation requires you to embrace the challenges of change, even when uncertainty makes it hard(er) for you to do that. 4 Listen, listen, listen This empowers collaborators, and helps to create a culture of openness. 5 Walk your talk All too often, leaders offer a certain narrative to their people while their behaviours (observable ones) point drastically in the opposite direction. It is nonsense rambling about the importance of long-term goals when you then grill your people if they don’t meet the quarterly numbers. “Fostering a culture of innovation is a challenge” Issue 2 - 2017 65