Catalogue ART&TUR 2019 Catalogue ART&TUR 2019 | Page 10

centro de portugal film commission The Film Commission concept was created in the 1940s in the US and has been replicated by many countries around the world. In Europe, Great Britain was the first country to create this type of organization in the 80s, soon followed by France, in the early 90s and then other countries. This international dynamic of Film Commissions led to the creation, in 1975, of the AFCI - Association of Film Commissioners International, which currently comprises over 300 organizations from 60 countries. More recently, since 2007, the European Film Commission Network (EUFCN) has been set up in Europe. It has currently over 80 Film Commissions from 27 countries. The audiovisual production sector (films, TV series, soap operas, documentaries, music videos, advertising, etc.) has seen a large increase worldwide in recent years. The digital age has contributed greatly to this, which has brought a significant cost reduction throughout the production process, coupled with an ever more diversified and fast diffusion/distribution, thus facilitating a growing demand from the general public. One of the most important factors in a film production is having the right décors that meet the needs and requirements of the producer/director. If we realize that behind every film, every ad, every picture is a film location, we easily understand how this factor is especially important for this type of industry. Producers are increasingly pressured to look for new locations to achieve greater diversification of locations (especially outdoor) that meet the demands of production. In recent years, to fulfill this need, which has come to be seen as essential, has emerged the Centro de Portugal Film Commission (CPFC) that counted from the first moment with the institutional support of Turismo Centro de Portugal, because it is a strategic project and for the potential for notoriety that it represents and that have attracted the attention of international and national producers for shooting films, TV series, documentaries and commercials. Just to show, in 2019, we already received more than 15 requests for shooting, most of which were from international producers. At the governmental level, the importance of this market niche in the international dissemination of our country began to be verified and support began to appear for audiovisual productions, culminating in the recent creation of the Portugal Film Commission, which is dependent from the Ministry of Culture and Turismo de Portugal, which was a long-established goal and which crossed more than one government. Interestingly the model advocated for the Portugal Film Commission was the same that was applied 2 years ago by Turismo Centro de Portugal and Centro de Portugal Film Commission! In addition to the purpose for which it was created, the CPFC should diversify its activities and cement its position not only at regional but also national level. The creation and support in the organization of events with national and international impact, allows us to affirm the CPFC at a higher level, thus generating more confidence and positive impact on the entities that already support us, on all our stakeholders and foster the emergence of new partnerships. The ART&TUR Festival is a good example of how an event of this size can help promote CPFC’s awareness, notoriety and credibility. Best wishes to the ART&TUR Festival, this year, in the beautiful city of Torres Vedras! Bruno Manique President of Centro de Portugal Film Commission