Editorial concept
A book collection that brings closer
the most important scientific
theories by means of the life of the
scientists who thought them up.
A fascinating voyage through
Science’s history and its great
milestones that takes us from
Greek mathematics to quantum
mechanics, relativity and the most
daring cosmological theories. An
approach to science both accessible
and rigorous that frames scientific
theories in their historical context
and their discoverers’ biographies.
Science Great Ideas
Great Ideas of Science
• 20 books (155x232 mm, b&w, illustrated)
• 152-172 pages per issue
• Languages: Spanish, Italian, French
There is also the option of extending
the collection by up to 20 additional
Great Ideas of Modern Science
• 20 books (155x232 mm, b&w, illustrated)
• 152-172 pages per issue
• Languages: Spanish, Italian, French
Geniuses of Mathematics
• 12 books (155x232 mm, b&w, illustrated)
• 152-172 pages per issue
• Languages: Spanish, Italian, French
Inside books
Some titles:
1. Einstein. La teoría de la relatividad
2. Newton. La ley de la gravedad
3. Max Planck. La teoría cuántica
4. Pitágoras. El teorema de Pitágoras
5. Heisenberg. El principio de incertidumbre
6. Galileo. El método científico
7. Schrödinger. Las paradojas cuánticas
8. Fermat. El teorema de Fermat
9. Kepler. El movimiento planetario
10. Gauss. La teoría de números
11. Arquímedes. El principio de Arquímedes
12. Euclides. La geometría