Cataloghi euroform w - arredo urbano EuroformDesign | Page 2

We are looking forward to know your goals! CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS We support and pursue your goals with curiosity, open mind and creativity! Put us to the test and tell us what you want. MANUFACTURE OF IDEAS creative, fast, flexible Euroform w is the solution to your problems, a partner who can work side by side with you to develop and design products ideally suited for outdoor environments. FLEXIBILITY AND CREATIVITY Our products are synonymous with durability, sophisticated design, functionality and high quality standards. And if you should not find anything suitable in our existing product range, we will be happy to measure up to your goals and desires, and develop new ideas together with you. Our mission TAILORED SOLUTIONS We create opportunities and think today of our future generations Design elements tailored for the outdoors. With the help of our staff at euroform w we bring your ideas and desires to life with creativity, speed and flexibility, according to our usual company standards. We are totally available to architects and designers for sharing our experience of nearly 50 years and our know-how. FROM IDEA TO PRODUCTION We offer planning, design and production of your own ideas and final installation of the product on site. Metal, wood, concrete, etc. are some of the materials we use to develop different ideas and we can work with you on customized solutions, combining in the best possible way the material’s functionality, shape and properties. Our task is to develop and design outdoor spaces that are enjoyable and suitable for people of all ages. What is especially important to us is the harmony between man and nature, as well as play, movement, health and safety. The long life of our products (on average 25 years) ensures an activity management based on the saving of energy and resources. An economy based on the three-pillar model: the environmental, social and economic aspects is important for us. .