Catalog | Page 7

We know that the formula for water is H 2
O . But when chemists combine the elements of hydrogen and oxygen , they ’ ve yet to generate life-giving water . There ’ s something more to the equation .
It ’ s the same with pure Essential Oils . Chemists may be able to isolate and identify specific constituents and add those constituents to a base of pure oil to “ enhance ” it , but they cannot duplicate the elemental power of the pure Essential Oil distilled from plant material .
Sadly , current regulations allow commercially produced Essential Oils to be labeled “ 100 % pure ” while still being extended by up to 52 % with synthetic extenders or an inexpensive carrier oil . Many Essential Oil companies use synthetic or ‘ nature-like ’ ingredients to enhance the scent , to increase the presence of specific constituents , or just to make the Essential Oil more profitable .
It has become a commonplace practice with some large Essential Oil companies to add constituents that have been extracted from one Essential Oil , usually a less expensive one , to another Essential Oil .
Because the added constituents are originally extracted from an Essential Oil , the now adulterated Essential Oil appears to still be a natural product , making this practice difficult to detect . Companies will do this for a variety of reasons , with cost and creating a ‘ unique ’ product being two of the most common reasons .
goDésana and Alexandria Brighton are dedicated to sourcing only pure , unadulterated Essential Oils from organic and wild-crafted artisan-type farms that span the globe . The quality of oils acquired from these sources is simply not available in the mass production market many other companies use . This is yet another factor that sets goDésana apart from other brands .
The French , who are leading the world in the area of Medical Aromatherapy , use Essential Oils extensively for treating infections . There , medical schools offer courses in the medical use of Essential Oils and how they are applied for general infections along with respiratory , digestive , urinary , reproductive , and skin infections . *
Essential Oils are often used as the primary treatment modality , or , depending on the patient and their circumstances , they may be used in conjunction with standard antibiotics and other medical treatments . Internationally , natural plant medicines , Essential Oils , and herbal remedies are considered to be safe , comparatively inexpensive , practical to use , quick acting , and effective in assisting the body . *
The use of Essential Oils to combat infections is well documented in the medical and scientific literature . The French and other European countries have been researching medical uses of Essential Oils since the 1950 ’ s . *
When researchers in the Department of Biological Sciences at the Manchester Metropolitan University tested antibiotics and Essential Oils against germs such as E . coli and Staphylococcus aureus , their conclusion was that the Essential Oils were comparable in antimicrobial strength to the antibiotics used in the experiment . One of the main contributing factors to Essential Oils effectiveness and why they are being considered as antibiotic replacements in certain cases . nce to them .
The information in this document has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat , diagnose , cure , or prevent any disease . This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified healthcare professional and you should seek the advice of your healthcare professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes . This information is provided for educational purposes only . goDésana • Green Organics , LLC • feel the pure plant difference 7