Lotus Mandala Flags
The silky fabric used for these larger flags has been dyed a variety of
rich hues. Each features symbols of peace and meditation.
FLMD7: 33 x 29 cm - 7 flags
Chakra Flags
Each flag in this set of seven features a chakra symbol on its
corresponding colour with the chakra name and an inspirational
phrase. For example: "Throat Chakra: I am aligned with my
highest truth and communicate this with love and honour. My
words echo softly within the Universe."
Chakra lotus
symbols each
appear in
their own
wave of colour
on this silky,
complete with
an om symbol
at top.
FCH7: 15 x 20 cm - 7 flags
BCKR: 20 x
110 cm
Key to Happiness
Buddha Banners
“The way to happiness is:
keep your heart free from
hate, your mind from worry.
Live life simply, give much. Fill
your life with love. Do as you
would be done by.”
Om Inspiration
Mini Banners
Tree of Life Mini Banner
“Become loyal to your
inner most truth. Follow
the way when all others
abandon it. Walk the path
of your own heart.”
"Life runs in cycles. The wheel
never stops turning. No matter
how dark the night, morning
comes, no matter how cold the
winter, spring comes. When you
feel despair know that the wheel
is turning. Joy will come."
BOBB: 39 cm + hanging rope
BTLB: 39 cm + hanging rope
BKHG: 26 x 80 cm + hanging rope
Dove Dalai Lama Banners
“This is my simple religion. There is
no need for temples no need for
complicated philosophies. My brain
and my heart are my temples, my
philosophy is kindness.”
BDLB: 26 x 80 cm + hanging rope
Key to Success
Buddha Banners
“Success is not the key to
happiness, happiness is the
key to success. If you love
what you are doing, you will
be successful.”
Good Deeds
Buddha Banners
“Trees are known by their fruit,
people by their deeds. One who
sows courtesy reaps friendship,
one who plants kindness gathers
love. A good deed is never lost.”
BBTG: 29 x 73 cm + hanging rope
BSKP: 26 x 80 cm + hanging rope
28 years as a Canadian gift wholesaler
Apache Blessing
Mini Banners
“May the sun bring you new
energy by day, may the moon
softly restore you by night, may
the rain wash away your worries,
may the breeze blow new
strength into your being. May you
walk through the world and know
its beauty all the days of your life.”
BAPC: 40 cm + hanging rope
Om Banners
“Become loyal to your
innermost truth. Follow
the way when all others
abandon it. Walk the path
of your own heart”
BOMR: 3 2 x 87 cm
+ hanging rope
Chakra Black Banners
Chakra lotus symbols
are screen printed
on a black silky fabric,
complete with an Om
sy X