Cat Talk | Page 6

A guide to being a better alley by bre adams As a gay person with a lot of straight allies in my life, I have a few tips for being a better ally. I am by no means an expert, but here are a few pieces of advice . First, don’t compare different forms of oppression (even if you face oppression in some way ). For example, don’t compare racism and homophobia. You may understand how it feels to oppressed but don’t speak for other minority groups. Secondly, sometimes the best way to be an ally is to shut up. For example, I think that straight allies should call out homophobia, fight for rights alongside us, go to Pride festivals, but shouldn’t talk over us, or talk for us . Lastly, ask for pointers! Ask your queer friends their correct pronouns, sexual identities, and what they’re comfortable with. And make sure to listen to them !