Thoughts from the Cast & Crew of IPFW’s
Productions of The Vagina Monologues!
“It was also great to meet some fun people and
make new friends. It was nice to feel part of
something.”-Gloria D
“I think what is so important about The Vagina
Monologues is that it puts a face to statistics,
so that the people involved in these difficult
situations aren’t just a number.”-Brittany M
“The play is a very powerful statement about the
attitudes towards women in the past and now. It
also illustrates women’s feelings toward their
own sexuality. It’s very thought provoking, and
also inspiring.”-Anita D
“My favorite part was being able to lend my
knowledge about acting to the production and
being embraced by a group of enthusiastic and
talented people.” -Joel, co-director
“The Vagina Monologues draws together an
amazing group of women who are all passionate.
Passionate about Change.
Passionate about
Feminism. Passionate about Education. No matter
the performance experience of cast members, The
Vagina Monologues are always powerful to watch
because that passion comes through on stage.”Rae, co-director