Cat Talk | Page 6

THE CAT TALK MINI-GUIDE TO WORKPLACE HARRASSMENT by alexa bridwell Sexual harassment in the workplace is like this sneaky fucking rat – it can fly under everyone else’s radar, even when it’s having a serious effect on your ability to do your job and feel safe at work. While it’s something that a lot of people experience, we’re not really given enough information about it; most people don’t know what exactly sexual harassment is or what to do when it happens to them. It’s important to remember that workplace sexual harassment, while often directed at women, can affect people of any gender, and can also have roots in racism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism. Just what is sexual harassment? Workplace sexual harassment can include a number of things, but the key feature that makes them harassment is that they are unwelcome and create a hostile environment. Harassment can include (but definitely isn’t limited to): • advances/propositions • touching • jokes • questions or other unsolicited comments