Cat Talk | Page 4

My Thoughts on Ferguson by ashanti ditaway I am sickened not only by the lack of justice for Mike Brown, but by the ignorance that has surrounded this issue. First of all, people need to check their privilege. If you’re not a black person, you CAN NOT talk over black people when it comes to this situation and you have no right to invalidate black people’s anger. If I hear one more person say, “I don’t understand why people are so angry about the Ferguson situation” or even worse, “Darren Wilson was well within the confines of the law,” I’m going to vomit. These, and other ignorant statements, have been appearing on my social media pages. News flash! A police officer should never shoot a person unless they feel their life is in danger. And what was so scary about a young, unarmed black man walking home except for the fact that HE WAS BLACK? Don’t want to answer? It’s cool, you don’t have to because, for once, your opinion is not the most important one in the argument. All white people who feel like they are experts on Black Americans—remember you will never know what it is like to constantly be racially profiled, leading to you being denied housing, healthcare, and job opportunities. You will never know what it is like to know that the police, the government, and, most importantly, the grand jury, couldn’t care less about you. The verdict was a slap in the face to the very people who built this country while in chains for more than 200 years. That’s why black people are angry. Got it? Good. So please, stop trying to silence black people or tell us to calm down in order to appease your own white guilt. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO BE ANGRY. I couldn’t care less about white people being comfortable. Wake up and realize that the country you love so much is just as flawed as any other. Murder is murder. When a police officer kills an unarmed person there should be outcry, or at the very least an investigation. Wearing a blue shirt and carrying a gun DOES NOT excuse recklessness, it DOES NOT excuse murder. Darren Wilson is a murderer that is free to live his life, while Michael Brown and so many others like him are laying frozen in caskets, unable to open their eyes. Lastly, shut up about the flags. People are killing me with this. People are complaining about black people burning the flag when their ancestors burned black people? I would rather see a million flags burned than see a single innocent person murdered. You can quote me on that racist, white, Republican America. I’m unpatriotic? I’ll tattoo it on my forehead. I could care less about your opinions. Why should the people of Ferguson, or people of color in general, care about the flag of a country that is not interested in protecting them or keeping them safe? STOP USING THE FLAG TO DISTRACT FROM THE REAL ISSUE: RACISM IN AMERICA. Racism is real, and this is a RACE ISSUE. This situation would not have been the same if Michael Brown were a wealthy white boy. Educate yourself on racism in America before you speak. #racismisreal #prayingforferguson [Editor’s note: This is reprinted from issue 4 because it’s still really f *cking important]