Cat Talk | Page 6

THoughts from contributors... How did you get involved with Cat Talk? “I had been writing a little about feminist topics on my personal blog, so when Cat Talk started up, a friend suggested that I attend one of the call-out meetings.”-Alex Bridwell “I heard about it and thought it was totally rad and started writing for it.”-Bre Adams “Amanda [the creator] was in my Composing the Self class and talked about it. I did a ‘zine back in the 90s and I enjoyed that very much.”-Gloria Diaz Why did you get involed? “To help out a friend and also to share information that I feel others may not get from other sources. Also, because I wanted a writing outlet that I looked forward to.”-Tricia Pelkington “I thought it was really awesome and completely needed on campus.”-Bre Adams badass THoughts from contributors... What do you enjoy (if anything) about having a non-academic/ subversive publication on campus? “It’s great! There needs to be more of them. I think it gives people a way to express themselves without worrying that they don’t sound “academic” enough.”-Gloria Diaz “I love that it’s a space that doesn’t feel the need to self-censor or moderate itself to be more palatable. That in itself is very empowering.”Alex Bridwell Do you think zines are an effective creative third space? “Yes! Zines disappeared for a little while and now they are coming back a bit and it is super exciting. They are great because not only do they look really rad, but they are effective. I like their ability to combine multiple art forms and multiple viewpoints.”-Bre Adams “Totally. Cat Talk is my primary third space. I don’t feel pressure to participate, but I do feel wanted and like my views and words are valued.”Brittany King