Cast Metal & Diecasting Times July/ August 2016 April/May 2016 | Page 3

CONTENTS | 1 w w w. n e w b u s i n e s s m e d i a . c o Regular Features First Words 3 Right time to invest in the industry’s future News 4 Ownership change for Cast Metal & Diecasting Times, JVM Castings invests £1 million at Tamworth site, Clamcleat invests in Italian diecasting equipment, reducing air pollution by more than 90%, novel casting process success for impellers, giant digital sculpture made with 3D printing, automated manufacturability analysis software project, commercial steelmaking on Teesside, sustainable solutions for Chinese foundries, iron foundry expert returns to Cti as consultant DCS Newsletter 16 Latest news from The Diecasting Society Company Profile 18 Clean air for metalworkers Product Information 28 Recent innovations in cutting tools, process control, design software, precoated moulding sands, handling equipment, furnace door seals, protective clothing, precast refractories and spectrometers Buyers Guide 28 Page 7 – Digital sculpture made with 3D printing. Inside this issue Furnaces 11 12 12 14 15 Customisable holding induction furnace solution Collaboration to optimise safety and efficiency Spanish dosing furnace expertise Better energy values and fewer charging operations Tailored modernisation at Ford Foundry Workshop 20 Foundry Workshop success at University of Warwick Measurement & Control 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 Latest module and enterprise app shop floor releases Core and mould inspection Industrial 3D metrology in casting process chains Exclusive UK partnership deal confirmed Illustrating the application of thread protocol in industrial applications 3D measurement solutions Digital X-ray inspection Integrated measurement information Spectroscopy without compromise Your guide to foundry industry suppliers and service providers Page 22 – Core-Vision compares the item being tested with reference images. Page 15 – At Ford’s aluminium foundry in Köln, the trouble-free upgrade of StrikoWestofen dosing furnaces has increased productivity and efficiency. C a s t M e t a l & D i e c a s t i n g Ti m e s A p r i l / M a y 2 0 1 6