Cast Metal & Diecasting Times July/ August 2016 April/May 2016 | Page 17

FURNACES | 15 w w w. n e w b u s i n e s s m e d i a . c o Tailored modernisation at Ford At Ford’s aluminium foundry in Köln, the trouble-free upgrade of dosing furnaces has increased productivity and efficiency. Modernisations soon pay off, even with older Westomat dosing furnaces, as realised here at the car manufacturer Ford in Köln, Germany (image: StrikoWestofen). In an effort to adapt productivity, availability and energy consumption to meet the latest standards, the Ford factory in Köln, Germany has recently modernised further production units. To conduct this work, the global automotive producer again relied on the competence of Gummerbachbased StrikoWestofen. Successful conversion to ProDos 3 controls, as well as speedy relining work in the previous year were convincing for the Ford factory, so that further systems soon followed. Overhaul programme The made-to-measure project served to improve dosing accuracy, energy consumption and system availability. “Thanks to the rapid completion of the work, we had practically no production downtime” is the positive conclusion drawn by Klaus Herweg, who is in charge of maintenance at the Ford diecasting plant. Replacement of the old Westronics control by the new ProDos 3 was the first step towards increasing productivity: Using constant analysis of process flows, the intelligent ProDos 3 precisely adapts the dosing procedure of the Westomat to the production cycle in each case. That way, it increases dosing accuracy by up to 35%, making an important contribution to return reduction - and it is easier to operate, too. “Over the last three years, we have had seven of our dosing furnaces converted” Klaus Herweg explains. “We also installed an additional system as part of the general overhaul of a diecasting machine.” premises. Delivery with a completely dried new lining ensures rapid commissioning of the dosing furnace and makes rinsing batches unnecessary when it is taken into operation. For one furnace, the customer decided to have a complete replacement furnace body delivered, allowing especially rapid recommissioning. Once the relining has been completed, even the oldies among the Westomat furnaces match the performance of the youngsters; modern insulation materials allow them to keep up with comparable new systems in terms of energy consumption. The costs are recovered within months. Manufacturer StrikoWestofen offers a number of made-to-measure modernisation concepts – from relining only to complete modernisation including control, switching system, pneumatics, sensors and cabling. It is also possible to retrofit many of the latest options presented in recent years into existing systems, including riser tube edge cleaning, a self-cleaning transfer launder, a flanged riser tube, biscuit correction, increased dosing accuracy, Webserver 4.0 and others. “Conversion to ProDos 3 as well as relining are worthwhile investments” Klaus Herweg confirms. “This is why Ford is going ahead with modernisation… new is not necessarily better, after all!” Oldies become goldies Depending on maintenance and use of the Westomat, relining is unavoidable sooner or later. As a special service, StrikoWestofen offers three alternatives, depending on the downtime the customer can cope with. The first one is relining on the supplier’s premises, which takes about four to five weeks, including transport to the factory and back. A more time-saving option is removal in situ, followed by insertion of a pre-sintered relined replacement part. Here, only five working days of downtime need to be scheduled, including the heating-up phase. Thirdly, when time is of the essence, a relined replacement furnace body can be recommended. Even with the heating-up phase, this alternative requires no more than three working days downtime. Ford decided to have relining carried out directly on the Dosing furnace tuning at Ford: Relining and upgrading to ProDos 3 control make this Westomat state-of-theart (image: StrikoWestofen). StrikoWestofen C a s t M e t a l & D i e c a s t i n g Ti m e s A p r i l / M a y 2 0 1 6