Cast Metal & Diecasting Times July/ August 2016 April/May 2016 | Page 14

12 | FURNACES w w w. n e w b u s i n e s s m e d i a . c o Advantages Analysis of the metal poured from the furnace will be constant, even if the cast iron is held within the furnace for many hours. A perfect consistency of metal analysis and temperature is maintained by the harmonisation of unavoidable variations in the cast iron coming from the melting furnaces. This eliminates the waste from having to ingot, because it ensures that the iron is at the correct temperature, right from the first pour. Also, the tailings residue of the pouring ladle can be recycled into the receiver furnace rather that being poured into ingots. It permits correction of the analysis of the iron through the possible addition of iron alloy and additives, while the melting furnace maintains a feed of standard cast iron directly through the launder. In this way, the receiver furnace can produce special cast irons for the production of nodular, ductile and compacted grades of iron. Air-cooled inductor up to 500kW The FOMET Duplex design features an easy and quickly interchangeable inductor, with a patented flange mounting system for sealing the inductor to the furnace body. Simple and fast hot changing of the inductor is possible (between two and four hours) thanks to the company’s exclusive sealing system. The high efficiency inductor includes specially developed air cooling of the coil for power up to 500kW. Mixed air and cooled water circulation is contained within a closed loop system for higher power. Energy blackouts and cooling interruptions, even for a matter of hours, can be overcome without damage. Low energy consumption (up to 30% energy savings) is assured compared to competitive designs. This highly customisable design, size and configuration is adaptable to meet every foundry’s needs. The design uses clean energy, requires no water consumption and creates no dust or fume emissions, combined with minimal operating noise, leading to a cleaner foundry working environment. Collaboration to optimise safety and efficiency UK-based Asmet and Germany’s Saveway are collaborating to optimise safety and efficiency in foundries and melt shops, promoting specialist monitoring equipment in the UK for use in melting, holding and treatment vessels. Saveway has acquired more than 20 years’ experience in the field of safety technology. Five advanced, patented systems give foundries optimum safety for operators and The Saveway measurement system for remaining lining thickness, showing actual lining wear, visualised through the system. equipment, plus the opportunity to save on relining and energy costs. This technology enables operators to measure the remaining thickness of a refractory coating within the metal melting process and avoids metal run outs. Moisture measurement, monitoring of drying and pinpointing detection of leakages are also possible with Savedry technology. Customised solutions are complemented by qualified after-sales service. “This collaboration enhances our range of services to improve metallurgical process control and we are excited to help customers embrace new technology and invest in a proven, state-of-the-art system” said Dominic Oates, Asmet Representative. As Saveway Sales Engineer Mario Merta explains, Asmet is a well-established foundry supplier throughout Europe and in particular in the UK. “By working closely together and making personal site visits, we can offer customers bespoke designed systems with the comprehensive long-term support they require.” Spanish dosing furnace expertise Available from UK-based Ramsell-Naber are dosing furnaces manufactured by partner organisation, Krown of Madrid, Spain. Krown specialises in the production of aluminium furnaces, producing dosing furnaces, shaft melting furnaces, holding furnaces and transport ladles. Krownmatic is a holding and dosing furnace without crucibles. The holding chamber is heated by SiC resistance rod elements and comes equipped with a multifunction electronic system for dosing. Different models of these airtight furnaces are available with capacities from 450kg to 4100kg, all of which operate under pressure. The furnace is lined with refractory cement that is non-wetting and resistant to molten aluminium. Thanks to the high quality of refractories used and with correct maintenance, a lining life of more than 10 years is possible. Advantages of this equipment include low power consumption, high metal quality, dosing precision, close temperature control and the ability to fill during the production cycle. Krownmatic holding and dosing furnaces are now available from Ramsell-Naber. C a s t M e t a l & D i e c a s t i n g Ti m e s A p r i l / M a y 2 0 1 6