Cast Metal & Diecasting Times July/ August 2016 April/May 2016 | Page 10

8 | NEWS w w w. n e w b u s i n e s s m e d i a . c o Commercial steelmaking on Teesside MPI has started commercial steelmaking at its Normanton Steel plant on Teesside. The Materials Processing Institute has launched a commercial steelmaking operation from its facility on Teesside to support the production of high quality steels for UK industry that are manufactured in the country. The Normanton Steel plant at MPI, which features industry-standard steel production equipment, had previously been used for new product development and process refinement and now also delivers commercial manufacturing across a range of steel types. It has been introduced to meet customers’ bespoke requirements, which are generally for smaller orders that cannot be produced economically in larger plants. Manned by an experienced production team, the steel plant features metal melting, refining and casting facilities. It also includes the UK’s only small electric arc furnace for the commercial production of steel ingots and concast billet. The plant’s operations are supported by a suite of testing and development laboratories, which are used primarily for research and product development processes but will provide valuable support to its commercial manufacturing activities to ensure it delivers the highest grade of steel. Sustainable solutions for Chinese foundries Under the motto ‘The future of casting’, ASK Chemicals showcased its sustainable solutions for long-term foundry success at Metal + Metallurgy China 2016 this May. The company displayed its full portfolio, with a clear focus on its INOTEC technology, as well as its water-based coating solutions. Patented INOTEC inorganic binder technology not only allows emissions to be eliminated but also has a positive effect on the material properties of the casting. In addition, it offers process-related advantages over conventional processes. Particularly notable among these are the significant increases to productivity in the casting process and a drastic reduction in the consumption of resources for maintenance and servicing work. MIRATEC water-based coatings are high performance coatings, especially recommended for automotive applications. They provide minimum handling times, which are key to realising minimum cycle times and increasing productivity. They provide an even coating layer, especially with complex core packages or challenging core geometries. Thanks to their EXACTCAST OPTIMA is fitted with a loose moulded part and a related pin to provide the optimum breaking edge and reduce fettling costs. engineered formulation and tailored characteristics (eg gas permeability), these waterbased coatings reduce casting defects and provide a good surface finish. Separately, the company’s cold box bonded EXACTCAST KMV mini-risers offer a fiberfree solution for steel casting. The volume at the riser can be reduced without sacrifice to the feeding performance. The exothermic compound replaces the non-feeding material and maintains the metal in its molten state. The KMV mini-risers therefore present an efficient and reliable alternative to conventional slurry sleeves. EXACTCAST OPTIMA risers, available as water-glass or cold box version, noticeably increase efficiency in foundries. These mini-risers are fitted with a loose metal part in the bottom section (nozzle) and a rigid pin, designed to achieve an exactly defined breaking point and additionally, reduce fettling costs. C a s t M e t a l & D i e c a s t i n g Ti m e s A p r i l / M a y 2 0 1 6 JVM appoints Group Sales Manager JVM Castings has appointed Bob Freeman as Group Sales Manager to help meet and exceed growth targets in the coming years. Mr Freeman brings 32 years’ experience in the castings and automotive industries, most recently with sales purchase management roles at King Automotive Systems Ltd and Sarginsons Industries plc. His background in aluminium castings for the automotive, construction and civil engineering sectors made him a natural choice for JVM Castings. As Group Sales Manager, Bob Freeman is responsible for enhancing the development of the company throughout its existing customer base, ensuring current clients receive the maximum value and support, as well as seeking opportunities across other markets. Corrosion inhibitor gains EPA recognition Clariant reports that its recently introduced Hostacor AL waterdispersible corrosion inhibitor for use in the metalworking industry has been recognised by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its potential to reduce environmental pollution. The recognition is provided as part of the EP