Which is the best addition to your casino — an original food-andbeverage offering , or a branded restaurant with a built-in following ?
Which is the best addition to your casino — an original food-andbeverage offering , or a branded restaurant with a built-in following ?
By Jess Marquez
Despite our many differences in appearance , size , beliefs and dietary preferences , we share a common desire to enjoy good food and quality dining experiences .
In the context of casinos , operators want to procure and provide the perfect blend of food and beverage options to complement their properties and brands ; contractors and designers want to build them on a grand scale ; and of course , patrons want to enjoy the actual results . The process of selecting
KISS frontmen Simmons and Stanley at Rock & Brews and refining that blend is daunting , however . Perhaps the first and most common question operators and architects must ask is whether to invest in an original venue or one with an established brand or celebrity association .