A detailed explanation of how your casino can return to the days when players came to a casino for fun , excitement and enjoyment
By Dean Macomber
Where did it go ? The fun , that is .
Using an extreme then-and-now comparison , during the start of what might be called the modern era of casino gaming that began in the early 1940s with the opening of the first legit Las Vegas Strip casino-resorts , casinos were reasonably scarce in number , small but edgy , personable , naughty and outright sexy , these perhaps the quintessential adult native environments for fun . If you were not there for fun , you didn ’ t belong .
Fast forward , today ’ s casinos are legal , numerous , accessible to just about everyone , and bigger , badder , better edifices of their birthrights — admittedly generating more fun in aggregate as a noun but perhaps less fun as a verb for certain players individually . Hence the title .
We can argue about what was better or worse , more or less fun , but if there is indeed some fun to put back into casino gaming that would accretively generate more visitors , profits and continued expansion of casino gaming , then the opportunity is worth exploring . This article will attempt to do just that .
Step 1 : Align the Company / Casino Goal Set
All casino companies and casinos talk about being committed to their customers . Not all , however , are committed to it as honestly , irrevocably , and / or holistically as they should be where “ it ” is defined as :
• Conceptualizing , producing , and delivering target guest experiences ( TGEs ) that meet or exceed the needs , wants and expectations ( NWEs ) of each and every customer in your optimal target market segment mix ( optimal TMS mix ) at a price / cost that creates a real or perceived value , niches / beats the competition , and meets or exceeds the goal set — i . e ., being customer-centric .
For fun to have to be “ brought back ,” it had to be allowed to “ leave .” Admittedly , there can be valid reasons to allow it to leave — surviving the financial crisis one recent good example . But absent such outlier events , for fun to be brought back , its potential to be fully unlocked and sustained …
Customer centricity must be embedded as one of the top independent