cashback_annual-report-2021 CB5 June 2021 | Page 5

Navigating Restrictions
CashBack for Communities Youth Work Fund Annual Report 2020 / 21


Challenge number two : Outcome :
At the point of contacting successful applicants we asked them to consider whether ( at the time ) they thought they could deliver funded activity as planned ; whether they would prefer to delay an give us new dates or whether they would prefer to withdraw the application . None of the organisations opted to withdraw their application and most thought they could deliver as planned or with a small delay . However , it became apparent over the next month or so that lockdown would last much longer than anticipated and at least half of the delivery window for projects would be lost .
Our response :
After discussion with Inspiring Scotland and Scottish Government we contacted projects again to offer a more flexible approach which allowed them to submit revised proposals and timelines in order to respond to the emerging needs of young people either at the point that restrictions allowed direct contact or in the shorter-term to engage young people digitally or to work with young people accessing local hubs .
Many projects chose to delay the start of their project and submitted revised timelines and changes to budgets or adjustments made to beneficiary numbers . In the main , those that delayed had applied to deliver short-term initiatives such as holiday programmes . They opted to wait in hope that the projects could be delivered when the full lockdown was lifted . For example , summer programmes moved to October , Christmas and Easter . Some of the projects that delayed anticipated reaching the same number of young people as intended , by condensing delivery . Others had to adjust the number of young people they supported to comply with social distancing guidelines or because staff costs are greater when working with smaller groups .
While not unconditional ( it was required that any adaptation was informed by and should achieve CashBack outcome ) this flexibility to adapt allowed organisations to respond quickly to some of the more immediate issues facing young people and / or the time to understand and assess emerging need and to to respond effectively .
Challenge number three :

Navigating Restrictions

As we moved out of lockdown ( number one ) funded projects had to navigate changing restrictions and reengage young people .

“ The picture across the fund is that of a dynamic and responsive youth work sector that adapted in remarkable ways to connect with and meet the needs of young people in their local communities ”

Catch the Light , external evaluators