Case Study Business Cases | Page 15

Nowadays the cash is less and less physical. We live in a digital world where people buy everything through their phones and digital cards. And how does that affect people that depend on physical money?

On restaurants, bars, and hotels, for example, the workers depend a lot from the tips revenue. But in such a digital environment, the tips are decreasing and their revenue decreases too.

About TipTo

TipTo is a platform based on Bravon, to increase the tips revenue. It answers to a real and direct problem that workers face more and more. It is a fast, easy and safe way to help the workers increasing their revenue.

Challenges Practical



The tips revenue are stored on the wallet and visible to the user at any time. It is also provided a chart with data from received tips. The user can see the tip's amount from the day, week, month or year.

Besides that, and the most important thing about TipTo is that users can withdraw their money on their bank account at any time. It can be available on their account in seconds with all the safety they need.



Implementation of a new app, based on Bravon app, that allows workers to have tips in this digital world. The users (workers) have the app with a QR Code that they can show to the customers, so they can be tipped.

The app also has a Wallet where users can see their tips revenue and withdraw all the money on their bank account with safety.

It will have direct implication on the workers revenue but also their motivation at work, as they see their tips increasing.




Increasing Revenue

"Bravon is the base of TipTo. We created an app based on the Wallet feature, so the integration on this new business model was easier than we expected. And the nest part is that we can really make the difference on worker's life with a simple feature. " - David Iachetta, Founder of TipTo.

More tips revenue;

93% felt the added value of the application

95% of advisers said profiling made their job easier




More engaged team;

Facility to get the money on a bank account;


Healthier competition between colleagues;