Casa London Magazine #2 // February - March 2017 | Page 26

Michelle: Absolutely not! The human body itself has every ability to be able to detox and cleanse itself naturally. As long as you are eating properly and exercising properly your cells are going to take care of themselves. If you could put weight loss into one capsule and it cost anything, you’d be surprised how much people would pay to take that and just be done with it. But it doesn’t quite work that way. Not for anything that is going to be long standing or effective – it is all about your lifestyle change.

Casa London: Then what was the next step for you after doing your own research?

Michelle: The next step for me was I got more interested in how vitamins really supported the weight loss process. Not in a stimulation sort of way, but more in cellular support. So then I started a job with a nutraceutical company and I was involved with that for many years. I was a national manager for them, so I travelled all across Canada launching new vitamin nutrition programs, chiropractic offices, and small scale gym facilities. I worked along-side some different holistic doctors and naturopaths that are very well known as well. It really branched things out for me in understanding how vitamins help support the body.

Casa London: Your program seems to be very nutrition centred, is that how you feel it should be?

Michelle: It is everything altogether! Nutrition plays a huge role, it’s about 80% of everything that you do. It’s that important, it doesn’t matter how hard you’re training or who you’re training with. If you’re not eating properly you are literally banging your head against the wall and spinning your wheels. So nutrition it’s a such a science it is a very finite science getting that all in place and that is where the results come from.

Casa London: Where do you stand on supplements?

Michelle: For my ladies it’s your basic support system. First and foremost, everyone has to be on a good multivitamin.