Cartooteen save the semester with these studying tips | Page 7

Breathe in …Breathe out … Anger management techniques…try not to kill somebody. When we are entering puberty and for most of our adolescence we go through a series of changes, we change everything since what we like, to our group of friends, even our body goes through changes, especially our hormones suffer this. Because of that, sometimes we can't hold our temper or our stress, and that could get us into trouble, therefore here are a series of steps that might help us avoid them. It is important for us to identify the situations that make us angry, so we can learn how to handle them. A few situations that might be triggers will be, feeling misunderstood, disrespected or under pressure. Rational Self Talk: It is important that when we are angry, we replace the negative thoughts with rational talk, so we can think about a solution, without causing any damage. In a situation of anger we could use these coping skills: exercise, listening to music, writing down thoughts or emotions, drawing, deep breathing or talking with someone you trust. We tend to react impulsively and don't take time to consider the consequences of our actions, therefore when we are angry we can improve of self-control by learning to consider healthy alternative solutions. Sometimes our anger might escalate to a level of intensity that will make it difficult for use to employ a self-control technique, and it's wiser to walk away from the situation until we are able to calm down and think more rationally.