Cartooteen save the semester with these studying tips | Page 10
There has been hundreds of articles about Social Media and its dangers, but in this article, we didn’t wanted to focus on the dangers
that other people may have in you (Identity Steal, Stalk, Dangerous People Disguised, Cyber Bullying) but not so many about the
dangers that Social Media can have on yourself, in how it damage your self-value and makes you try to act as something you aren’t.
So we decide to write this little article to help you identify 3 of the major dangers and problems that come from Social Media.
advertisements, celebrities and pages
that impose how you should look, feel
and live.
These kinds of messages affect all
kind of people, but especially, the
teenagers. Because teenage years are
so confused and make you feel so
insecure, it is when you are more
vulnerable to stereotypes and trying
to follow certain style, person or ideas
that don’t match with your believes
just to feel better with yourself.
But you won’t feel any better, in
fact you will feel worst, because your
identity have been rip off from you
and instead, put a fake one, one that
doesn’t belong to you.
On Social Media, you don’t share your
true self; you share a persona,
someone who you aren’t, just to trick
people into believing that you are
cooler than you actually are, to
appear your life is perfect and that
you live by the standards and
stereotypes that society has raise
upon people, especially teenagers.
Also, the creation of a persona can
make you feel frustrated because
your life isn’t like the one you are
trying to promote and convince
everyone that you have; I drawn your
energy and will eventually destroy
When you see people on the Internet
living the life that you want (or
pretending in all case) with the
perfect body, with more followers,
with more “friends” with more likes,
you can’t help but to feel diminish, to
feel like you are nothing compare to
them, a person that you don’t even
known and that makes you feel bad
with yourself and does a tremendous
damage to your self-esteem.
Social Media is designed so you spend
more time on them, and the more
time you spend on them, the worse
you will feel about you. You can’t
allow internet to destroy your
confidence, you need to win
confidence from other places, from
But the thing you need to do for not feeling bad with yourself and start feeling the negative side is getting away
from them. Spend less time on them and more time in your life, in your actual life, not the life you are pretending you have. Don’t let
the Internet affect you. You are better than that..