Cartier 2016 3.6.16 QC FINAL | Page 104

A- Z O F P O LO DOLFO You may hear comments such as, “he plays just like Adolfo,” and “if only we had Adolfo in our team.” The Adolfo in question is the talented Adolfo Cambiaso. A 10-goaler since the age of 17, two decades on he is still at the top of his game. Always easy to spot with his Argentine flag helmet. A Dubai and China and The Queen’s Cup here in England. Always delivered with style, elegance and a sprinkling of showbiz with swagger and panache. OLUDO A Spanish word often heard on the field of play, but never to be repeated in your Spanish GCSE oral exam. Meaning stupid, it is often shouted at team-mates, patrons, the opposition and, occasionally, the umpires! UBAI One of the leading high- goal teams of the current gen- eration, Dubai has won The Queen’s Cup five times. Every year they start the competition as one of the hot favourites thanks to the talents of Adolfo Cambiaso. Patron Ali Albwardy is no stranger to Cartier sponsorship as he hosts the Cartier Internationa