CARS GLOBALMAG October 2016 | Page 47

A U TO N E W S The Paris Auto Show (Mondial de l’Automobile ) has once again impressed the whole automotive sector with the most important car manufacturers exhibiting their models across 123.567 m2 and 8 pavilions. One of the highlights though was the absence of Mazda, Bentley, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Ford, Rolls-Royce and Volvo from the main floor. These manufacturers decided to revise their strategy regarding auto shows, concentrating on smaller, cheaper events that provide less competition for attention in the digital era, possibly setting a trend that many other could follow (are we heading towards the end of “classic” old fashioned auto shows?). Despite this there was plenty for everyone, from connected vehicles, to autonomous driving, new energies, to (of course) fast and beautiful supercars!