Carp Angler Magazine CAM, Carpoholic Anonymous Issue 4 July 2014 | Page 5

Wild Waters Carp Fishing Wild water fishing has a special charm, especially since, in these waters you never know what to expect. Sometimes you can fish for days and catch only few fishes or you can have the capture of your life in few minutes. I prefer fishing in such places, which is why I have perfected, over the years, both fishing style and the most efficient techniques and baits in these difficult waters. But what really attracted me, of all species of fish, was catching one which is said that is very hard to capture in wild waters is very hard to capture - the carp. This is how I found this spring a bait with unique features, a bait that does not match with any of the parameters of well-known companies or the individual manufacturers. This is a hybrid boilie, a very interesting product which, although boiled, it has the properties of a soluble boilie. Although it dissolves in water, constantly emanating flavors and attractants (for at least 56 hours), the bait does not shrink at all as the soluble one, but on the contrary, it keeps its shape, changing only the consistency and increasing its volume by 10%. Moreover, after several months of testing, I 've got the conclusion that these boilies are really good and efficient even in waters where no one ever fished with boilies, not necessarily required a long-term prior bating. In most cases I used for bating maximum 1.1- 2.2 lbs of boilies. But sometimes I have had great results without bating at all. For such cases, I always used a fishing feeder, I never used lead rigs (in cases I didn't bait at all first); and on the fishing feeder I used diferrent types of bait, ususally mixed with canned corn.. As long the perfect bait doesn't exist yet, this fishing has still its secrets. So, we have to orientate every time very well to identify the best flavor for each place. And that's not so hard if we take into account some basic things. The logic is simple. If there are clams in the river or in the lake we fish, we'll use a bait that has in its composition clams. If there are crabs and molluscs in the water, we'll use a bait with a similar composition. In the fruit season, we must study very carefully the trees on the river bank (including upstream trees as water spreads the fruits) because fish eat and are accustomed to the fruits fallen in water.