Carolyn Hansen, Public Health PDF EBook Download The Weight Loss Motivation Bible EBook PDF Downloa | Page 9

Insulin and Glucogon The number one hormone that needs to be kept in check is insulin. The role insulin plays in the weight loss story is as the signaler to your fat cells that they should mop up excess glucose (or blood sugar) in the blood and convert it into fat for storage as a future energy source. To help you have more of a concrete image of this terrifically important hormone in mind every time you contemplate eating a delicious treat, here is what insulin looks like (shown in two representations) blown up about 10 million times: Insulin is produced by the pancreas in response to a rise in blood sugar, which happens every time you eat. How much insulin is generated depends on what you eat and how much of it. If your diet is high in simple carbohydrates, you’ll be rapidly breaking these down, dumping large amounts of glucose into the bloodstream. Foods high in simple carbohydrates include table sugar, honey, fruit, candy and just about any processed food that tastes sweet—like pastries, cakes, cookies, and thick-crusted pies to name a few. Discover The Best Way To Lose Weight Once And For All! © Copyright Carolyn Hansen 9