Carolyn Hansen, Public Health PDF EBook Download The Weight Loss Motivation Bible EBook PDF Downloa | Page 15

Unfortunately , we have inherited the stress response , and our modern day high-stress lives allow us to add fat reserves all year round , particularly with the ready availability of carbohydrates in our diet . So stress management should actually play a very important role in any attempt to get excess fat reserves under control . Too often though , we ignore the stress side of the equation when it comes to thinking about fat loss solutions .
Another way to combat cortisol accumulation is to exercise . Strenuous exercise stimulates the production of testosterone , which opposes the effects of cortisol by blocking cortisol receptors . Testosterone also stimulates the production of muscle tissue . So the overall effect is to block fat storage and promote muscle building . In fact , excessive cortisol levels are known to promote the breakdown of muscle tissue , so cortisol and testosterone are direct competitors . When your behavior promotes the increase of one of these hormones , it reduces the level of the other .


Again , the take away message here is very clear : to increase your metabolism you need to reduce the stresses in your life . It also helps to perform strenuous exercise . Both of these actions reduce cortisol and therefore the fat storing behavior it promotes . Furthermore , the effect of exercising strenuously results in an increase in muscle mass which , as we will see later , also results in the increase of your metabolism .
All right , we have covered the basics of hormone influence as it relates to raising or lowering your metabolism .
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