Carolyn Hansen, Public Health PDF EBook Download The Weight Loss Motivation Bible EBook PDF Downloa | Page 11

Maybe you are even still doing it today . But I bet you had no idea the damage this does to your body ’ s ability to burn your existing fat reserves . The more we put sugar into our blood , the harder the pancreas needs to work to pump out enough insulin to get the clean up the excess glucose .
When we constantly load our plates with carbohydrates ( and simple carbs in particular ) insulin levels slowly rise in the body . In response , the fat cells begin to ignore the ever-present insulin and only begin doing their job again ( of removing sugar from the blood ) when the insulin level rises even more . So the pancreas puts out even more insulin as time goes by . The result is a steady building of insulin resistance by the cells , which can lead to diabetes and other chronic illnesses .
The flip side of increased insulin production and ( eventual ) insulin resistance is a corresponding drop in glucogon levels . Glucogon is the hormone that does the exact opposite of what insulin does — it encourages fat cells to give up their fat content for the production of energy .
This is the fat burning process that we want to encourage when the time comes to lose some weight . But if insulin levels are high , then glucogon is under-produced by the body , even when blood sugar might be at dangerously low levels . This inability to keep blood sugar at a steady level is a symptom of diabetes , and can lead to a blood sugar crash that can put the individual ’ s life in jeopardy .
Some physicians claim that it is the prevalence of insulin resistance in the developed world that is responsible for most chronic diseases , like cardiovascular disease , stroke , metabolic disorders including type-I and type-II diabetes , and even dementia in later life .
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