Carolina Hip Hop Culture Magazine: Leaders of the Carolinas 2017 | Page 44

To properly inform you about who Fat Rat Da Czar is, starting with his locale, affiliation, or musical ability would be a biased introduction. Yes, those characteristics do carry weight, but to truly understand this artist you must delve deeper. Fat Rat Da Czar has been represented poorly by many critics and naysayers as just another local emcee or a ‘gun-toting street guy’, which is totally oft-kilt. Fat Rat Da Czar is not a ‘savage’, blood-thirsty, ready to slit your throat brute. He is not just another nameless face in the long list of artists seeking to reach the world through their music. Fat Rat Da Czar IS MORE. Think about the father who wakes daily before the break of dawn, still sluggish from completing the work order of the previous night to enter a reality in which his bills are high, his money is low, his patience is waning, but his resolve is steady. “I gotta make it” is all this father repeats as he observes his children sleeping peacefully without knowledge of adulthood. Think about the woman who has remained steadfast since grade school to break the cycle of abuse, depression, and abandonment that has plagued her family to ensure her success in realms greater than those just based on monetary value. Think about the families that travel countless hours and miles simply to associate with loved ones in ‘man-keepers.’ All three situations have a commonality-they listen to Fat Ra Da Czar. What choices do you make when your back is up against the wall? Do you accept your position and cower to the powers of influence around you? Do you derogate yourself and succumb to ‘drinking and drugging’? Or do you do more?