CARIMAC Times 2016: The JREAM Edition Journalists Reviving Awareness of what Matters | Page 89

Photo by Donnette Zacca Rose added that in the case of Bennett’s son, the police were mandated by law to remove and transport him to a psychiatric facility. facility or arranging for him to be conveyed to such facility, make a report thereof in writing to the Review Board.” According to The Mental Health Act (1999), section 15 (1): “Where a constable finds any person in a public place or wandering at large, in such manner or under such circumstances as to indicate that he is mentally disordered, the constable may without warrant take such person in charge and forthwith accompany him to a psychiatric facility for treatment or forthwith arrange for him to be conveyed with all reasonable care and dispatch to that facility; and the constable shall, within 30 days of accompanying such person to the psychiatric In February 2012, then Police Commissioner Owen Ellington said that the police should not neglect their duty to the public in dealing with mentally ill individuals. “On no account must a member of the public be told in [the] future that the police cannot take action against a mentally disordered person, unless the mentally disordered person committed an offence,” Ellington wrote in his weekly Force Orders. 85