CARIMAC Times 2016: The JREAM Edition Journalists Reviving Awareness of what Matters | Page 83

Photo by Varun Baker The individual, the institute outlined, will need support during this time as, when people with a mental illness are pressured and criticised, their improvement is stymied. Often, their symptoms may get worse. The Institute instructs that telling the individual when he or she is doing something right is the best way to help them move forward. Mental Health Officer Patricia Rose, who did not wish to disclose the institution to which she is attached, explained that, when it comes to any kind of psychiatric condition, one has to examine the “biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors”. Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that is caused by several factors, which range from genetics and environment, to different brain chemistry and structure. “When you look at social factors, you have to look at substance abuse and marijuana. The THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) in marijuana is known to influence the way the brain functions. Anything that affects the normal function of the brain can result in mental illness,” she said. Rose noted that in order to diagnose a person, he/she has to manifest certain signs and symptoms over a period of time. These include, 79