CARIMAC Times 2016: The JREAM Edition Journalists Reviving Awareness of what Matters | Page 76

Dr. Tana Ricketts Roomes Photo by Keshauna Nichols The main reason was also to help her son with his homework. “Wen im get di projects dem, mi nuh haffi go to no library or Internet café,” Phang said. However, paying the Internet bill is a problem for Phang, because she does not have the money to do so sometimes. But her family members try to pay whenever she is unable to. Harrison said there are a number of government initiatives that provide support to these families, including the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH). They give cash grants every two months to children between ages six and 72 18, sometimes older if attending a governmentfunded secondary institution. The Cost Sharing programme in schools is a component of the PATH. It provides children with a warm meal at school. The Poor Relief Department also operates another programme that helps with back-to-school supplies for children. Health Moncrieffe said the health of her family is very important, but she is unable to properly care for their health the way she wants. She said the money she earns is spent on food, bills, transportation, and school.