CARIMAC Times 2016: The JREAM Edition Journalists Reviving Awareness of what Matters | Page 74

social programmes in the community. He got members, especially the young people, involved in acting. They would perform at the theatre facility on UWI’s Mona Campus and in venues across different parishes. He added that this initiative had a positive impact on the community because it kept young residents meaningfully occupied; kept them out of trouble. Education Moncrieffe and Phang believe that in order for their children to be successful, they must also be educated. Moncrieffe’s son, Finson, is a grade six student at the Mona Heights Primary School. He will be doing the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) in March. She said she tries her best to ensure that he attends school every day. However, that is not always possible since there are times when she has no money. When money is available, she gives him $200 to $250 to buy lunch and pay for transportation. At times, when she gives him money, she gives him snacks and water as well. She said, at the beginning of the school year, when she gets a booklist, she would ask the teacher what are the most important books and then she seeks to get or buy those second hand in the community. Fabian Mahabeer, principal of the Mona Heights Primary School, said the academic performance of students from low-income families is negatively affected in a number of ways. “You will find a number of students who don’t 70 Photo by Marlon James Photo by Keshauna Nichols