CARIMAC Times 2016: The JREAM Edition Journalists Reviving Awareness of what Matters | Page 72
Photo by Keshauna Nichols
tattoo designs on some of their skin was more
visible because of skin bleaching.
The smell of marijuana lingered in the air. It
was strongest when passing some of the board
The activities that are done by some residents
in a community may influence the behaviour
of others, especially children. In communities
where bleaching, smoking and scamming are
prevalent, this can have a positive or negative
impact on the children who live there, Harrison
“Children may look at someone who is a scammer
and imitate the person because his/her standard
of living is higher than theirs, while some
might look and say ‘I don’t want to be like that
because it is illegal’.”
The small house in which Moncrieffe lives
is separated from her neighbour’s by a wall.
From the gate a concrete walkway leads to
the verandah. A white three-seater chair, with
cushions, occupied a large section of the space
on the verandah. And most of the yard space at
the back of the house was being used to build
additional rooms.
Moncrieffe shares the home with her mother,
father and two older brothers. The house