Loretta N. Green-Williams, LGreen-Williams Consulting
Executive Producer for CaribME: New Yorkers of the Caribbean Diaspora
Founder/Editor-in-Chief for CaribeME Magazine, BumbleB Enterprises, PLLC
Adding to a stellar 25-year career in marketing and sales under LGreen-Williams
Consulting, Loretta is a business strategist and postcolonial theorist. She completed
humanities doctoral training in social and cultural anthropology from California Institute of
Integral Studies (SF, CA), where she taught in postcolonial feminism, ethnomusicology, and
sociospiritual constructs (liturgical and praise dance). Green-Williams have a Masters in
Sports and Fitness Management from the University of San Francisco, as well as her BA
degree in Sociology and certification in Ethnic Studies.
Green-Williams received a 2017 New Jersey Historical Commission grant for research
entitled “From Raw Blues to Silky Soul: South Jersey’s Chitlin Circuit Route (19480-1978)”.
She has authored soon to be published “Killing Me Softly with His Words: A Child of God’s
Response to Domestic Violence,” and a three-year LinkedIn reflection e-book regarding her
“poco thoughts.”
Selected by the Caribbean-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry's president and
founder, Dr. Roy Hastick, Loretta sits on a special council as Public Relations; host and
producer for Sumatra Blog Talk Radio (blogtalkradio.com/sumatra.com); CIO/Founder of
Women of Concern Professionals & Strategic Conscious Networking (WOCPSCN), which
international initiative on domestic violence will conduct their annual walk, "Walking In
Silence for the Silenced" that will take place November 4, 2017, at 8 am.
As Executive Producer of the documentary CaribME: New Yorkers of the Caribbean
Diaspora, Loretta’s vision is to continue the documentary as a diaspora series.