let ’ s talk benefits east sussex carers ’ forum
East Sussex Carers ’ Forum Summary Report , 5 th February 2013
Over 120 people attended the East Sussex Carers Forum on 5th February in St Leonards ; in view of changes to the welfare system from April 2013 the theme of the Forum was ‘ Let ’ s Talk Benefits ’. As well as speakers from national and local Government there were a variety of information stands from local organisations .
Jaki Hall , Benefits Liaison Officer at Wealden District Council , provided a brief explanation of the changes to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit from 1 April 2013 . Final details are still being agreed but you can contact your local authority and speak to a benefits adviser who will be able to discuss your entitlements . Jaki explained that Council Tax Benefit will no longer be a national scheme , and in East Sussex will become Council Tax Reduction Scheme . The maximum support payable will not be capped but the minimum rate will be £ 5 per week – if the benefit is calculated at less than £ 5 then nothing will be payable .
Barry Atkins , Head of Strategic Commissioning , Older People and Carers at East Sussex County Council gave an update on the planned funding cuts in Adult Social Care , he reassured carers that the carer-specific budget and carers services will not be affected but acknowledged that carers will be affected by service cuts for those they care for .
Oliver Mawdsley , Outreach Manager at the Carers Allowance Unit , Department for Work and Pensions in Preston spoke in detail about Carers Allowance . Oliver stressed that carers should always apply for carers allowance as it is a ‘ gateway benefit ’ which may allow access to other benefits even if carers allowance itself isn ’ t payable . This is especially relevant for carers who receive a pension . More details can be found at www . gov . uk / browse / benefits / disability
The forum ended with a short question and answer session , when carers expressed concern about a lack of information available on forthcoming changes and also the lack of easily understandable information about benefits in general . Many carers were worried that cuts to care packages would reduce their respite from caring . To them , a break meant “ freedom , a decent night ’ s sleep , ability to carry on , recharge batteries , sharing responsibility .”
The full forum report will be available shortly on Care for the Carers website ( www . cftc . org . uk ) and will be sent to all who attended the forum . The report will include a list of contact points for queries arising from changes to benefits .
Thank you to everyone who attended the forum – carers , staff and partner organisations .
If you would like to receive a copy of the report or would like information on future forums please call Debbie on 01323 738390 or email her at debbieh @ cftc . org . uk
www . cftc . org . uk 15