Careermag Grads 05 21 final 2 | Page 5

Issue 5 May 2021
Publisher Careermap Ltd Editor Sharon Walpole Production Assistant Jodie Hill Guest Contributors Office for Students , Department for Education , Open University , EMSI , Student Minds , Student Space , Lancaster University Design www . vitalcreative . co . uk
info @ careermap . co . uk www . careermap . co . uk
@ CareerMapNews @ careermap . uk Careermap
About Careermap publications
Careermag is designed to provide quality information about careers and qualifications . Careers are not a linear path and you cannot know what you don ’ t know . We aim to inspire and inform about all sorts of careers and opportunities , now and in the future .
We welcome your input ! Please get in touch if you have any questions or something to contribute .

Graduate recruitment is back on the rise

You , as students who are graduating this summer , as well as recent graduates , are likely preparing to enter a new and unknown job market . Despite the doom and gloom talks of recession and unemployment due to the widespread disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic , we want to reassure you that graduate recruitment is on the up !
So remember , you will play a pivotal role in contributing to the economic recovery of the country .
This issue of Careermag for Graduates delves deep into a diversity of graduate schemes and jobs including : Engineering , Insurance and Science . If one of these sectors aren ’ t of interest to you , there is still lots of essential information for you to explore . From writing a Masters personal statement to top tips for returning to university , and help and support for your mental health from Student Minds . There is something for everyone . We would love to hear from you ! If you have any questions , would like to share your story or opportunities , get in touch via our social media or email : info @ careermap . co . uk .
Best wishes , Sharon Walpole Editor of Careermag
Contact the Editor at : info @ careermap . co . uk
If you would like to receive regular editions of Careermag for Graduates direct to your inbox , go to www . careermap . co . uk / subscribe-to-careermag
Careermag is published by Careermap Ltd
All material is copyrighted both written and illustrated . Reproduction in part or whole is strictly forbidden without the written permission of the publisher . All images and information is collated from extensive research and along with advertisements is published in good faith . Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at press time , the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss , damage , or disruption caused by errors or omissions , whether such errors or omissions result from negligence , accident , or any other cause .
© Careermap Ltd 2020


07 Tracking the Demand for Graduate Level Jobs and Skills During the Covid-19 Period
09 Graduate Employment and Skills Guide
11 Sector spotlight on Engineering
18 Mental Health , COVID 19 and Studying at University
22 Back to University
24 Sector Spotlight on Insurance
29 Driving the recovery post pandemic
30 Turning Lemons into Lemonade
33 Unite to Ignite 35 Sector Spotlight on Science
42 How to Write a Masters Personal Statement