Career Watch Arkansas 2014 Career Watch Arkansas 2014 | Page 30

Occupations Job Education Earnings Outlook 8,000 376 A B None None $30.08 $62,560 Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers 23-1021 Conduct hearings to recommend or make decisions on claims concerning government programs or other government-related matters. 520 12 BA D -5 SOJT $29.27 $60,880 Advertising and Promotions Managers 11-2011 Plan, direct, or coordinate advertising policies and programs or produce collateral materials, such as posters, contests, coupons, or give-aways, to create extra interest in the purchase of a product or service for a department, an entire organization, or on an account basis. 247 11 A B -5 None $43.31 $90,080 Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians 17-3021 Operate, install, calibrate, and maintain integrated computer/communications systems, consoles, simulators, and other data acquisition, test, and measurement instruments and equipment, which are used to launch, track, position, and evaluate air and space vehicles. 37 0 D A None None $25.83 $53,730 Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians 49-3011 Diagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul aircraft engines and assemblies, such as hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Includes helicopter and aircraft engine specialists. 917 63 AA PS None None $21.65 $45,030 Anesthesiologists 29-1061 Physicians who administer anesthetics prior to, during, or after surge