Career Watch Arkansas 2014 Career Watch Arkansas 2014 | 页面 2

Dear Students: Time passes quickly, and soon, you will graduate from high school. You must decide about furthering your schooling or choosing a satisfying career. I hope that you will do something great with your life, that you will achieve success, and that you will seize opportunity when it comes your way. From the Governor While I want Arkansas students to achieve, I also want you to find success in fields that inspire you and lead to satisfying careers. We strive to make every educational opportunity accessible to all of our students, but those efforts will ultimately fall short unless you supply the passion and drive to succeed. I encourage each of you to consider pursuing a career in the rewarding field of health science. Career specialties in this highgrowth arena offer many opportunities, including the planning, managing, and providing of therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development. From ambulance drivers and audiologists to sports medicine physicians and pharmacists to radiologists or EMTs, there are thousands of challenging careers to choose from within these highly skilled worlds. If you want to be a nurse or dietitian, a veterinarian, a cardiovascular technologist, or any of the other pathway options offered in health science occupations, join the millions who already find this a rewarding career path. Living up to your potential requires an enormous amount of energy, determination, patience, and sacrifice. In choosing your future occupation, seek the advice of guidance counselors and professionals you trust, and remember that the Arkansas Department of Workforce Services is ready and willing to lend their expertise. I want you to be excited about the possibilities you face. Your ideas, your efforts, and your decisions will collectively shape our tomorrow. Best wishes for a successful future. Sincerely, Mike Beebe Career Watch Arkansas Department of Workforce Services Artee Williams Director Ron White Program Operations Manager Labor Market Information Amy Theriac Editor Occupational/Career Information staff Belinda Hodges Shirley Johnson Brian Pulliam The editorial staff would like to thank the following for their contributions to this publication: Arkansas Workforce Investment Board Arkansas Department of Career Education U.S. Department of Labor Arkansas Department of Higher Education A very special thanks goes to the University of Arkansas Printing Services for printing this magazine and technical support during its design. Career Watch Arkansas is an annual publication of the Department of Workforce Services. A digital version of this magazine is available at: A goal of DWS is to improve, through coordination and standardization, the development, quality and use of occupational information for career decision-making, program planning and economic development. The Career Watch Arkansas Teacher’s Guide and other educational materials are available in PDF format at: under the LMI Publications link. DWS coordinates information to meet the needs of individuals, especially youth, who are making career decisions, while also providing information to support economic development issues. DWS is extremely interested in making this publication as useful and informative as possible. Please send your comments, suggestions, ideas or additional copy requests to: Department of Workforce Services Amy Theriac Career Watch Arkansas Editor Occupational Career Information Labor Market Information P.O. Box 2981 Little Rock, AR 72203 Telephone: (501) 682-3117 Voice: 1-800-285-1121 TDD: 1-800-285-1131 Fax: (501) 682-3186 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] “Equal Opportunity Employer/Program” “Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities."