Career Watch Arkansas 2014 Career Watch Arkansas 2014 | Page 17

Health Science Career Cluster In high school, career clusters are designed to give you the education and skills you need to be successful in a career. Sixteen career clusters have been developed to help you explore your career opportunities. Within these career clusters are career pathways that are more specialized. These pathways will help you explore more specific careers. Plus, many of the classes can earn you college credit if you successfully pass the course. The Health Science career cluster prepares learners for the planning, managing and providing of therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development. The following pages list a sample high school class schedule, Career Focus classes that are required for graduation, Health Science programs of study, plus workbased and extra curricular activities, and In Demand occupations ; all to help you further your education. Other career clusters are offered in Arkansas secondary schools. Talk with your career guidance counselor to see what career pathways are offered in your school or a nearby postsecondary institution. Sample High School Schedule - Smart Core 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade English I or Pre-AP English II or Pre-AP English III or AP English IV or AP Algebra I or Geometry or Algebra II or AP Calculus Geometry Algebra II Trigonometry College Algebra Pre-AP Calculus AP Statistics Biology Civics Pre-AP Chemistry Physics Applied Biology/ Principles of Chemistry Physical Science Chemistry Technology World History US History AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics Earth & Space Science Economics | 15