Career Information Packet CareerInformationPacket_FEB7 | Page 6

AWARD-WINNING PRINT THE BEA C HAM I N SI DER THE BEACHAM The company newsletter is published quarterly and distributed both in print and digitally. This newsletter is full of market updates, trending real estate news and other insightful information. Agents can personalize the newsletter and send it to their client databases. I NTROD UC I NG THE BE A C HA M A RT SE RI E S G LEN N I S B EA CH A M’ S TAKE ON THE MA R K ET THE BEA C HAM SERI ES B EA CH A M G I V ES B A CK T O T A LS T O O V ER $600, 000 When Glennis Beacham founded Beacham and Company in 2006 she claimed, “This company’s success will come from offering the very best real estate marketing Atlanta Real Estate has ever seen.” She was right. Beacham & Company clients and friends showcase both the current and past issues of the magazine on their coffee tables and in their bookcases. Architects and designers confess to using them ON T H E C OV E R 5 7 1 E a s t A t l a n t a A v e. as inspiration, and many homebuyers find their new homes in the pages of the Series. The Beacham Series™ garners national respect and earns many awards for its photography and layout. The Beacham series SPRING 2019 � SPRING 2016 SERIES SUMMER 2007 SPRING 2007 SPRING 2008 SUMMER 2008 FALL 2010 SPRING 2010 FALL 2012 SPRING 2017 FALL 2013 SPRING 2012 SPRING 2013 FALL 2015 SPRING 2018 SPRING 2011 SPRING 2015 MORE LUXURY PER SQUARE FOOT ™ / 1