The Organizing Committee
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of Society of Industrial
Scholars I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to all
resource persons, the sponsors and everyone who made this event
a reality.
I would like to declare that Workshop Series & Career Fair 2016 was
a colossal success and a legendary event in the history of Faculty of
Applied Sciences in University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
You all; as the valued resource persons in this event could be
honored of sharing your valuable knowledge during the workshops
since it generated a countless influence on all the participants
paving the way to perform well in their future career.
For our treasured sponsors I would like to inform you that, you
made a great choice in sponsoring our event program which created
a huge impact on potential, young professionals.
Thank you once again for your unshaken trust on us.
Sheshan Jayaratne
Organizing Committee Member (Planning)
Society of Industrial Scholars
Faculty of Applied Sciences
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Main Event Sponsor
Official Printing Partner
An Effort to Bridge the Gap between University & Industry
Society of Industrial Scholars
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