The Industry-University Linkage
The climax of the whole program was
marked by the Career Fair 2016 which
was held on 29th of April 2016 at the
University premises.
The Industry-University Linkagewas
held prior to commencement of the
Career Fair 2016. Prof. Sudantha
Liyanage and Dr. Pahan Goakumbura
presented the student profile, the
structure of the degree program and
the internship requirements in front of
42 Industrial representatives from top
Companies in Sri Lanka including MAS
Holdings, Brandix Group, Astron
Limited, Coca-Cola, Sampath Bank,
Hayleys PLC, Millennium IT, hSenid,
Hirdaramani, Embla Software
Innovations, etc.
Main Event Sponsor
Official Printing Partner
An Effort to Bridge the Gap between University & Industry
Society of Industrial Scholars
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